Interurban roads and motorways. Report from the United Kingdom.

Parker, F.J.

This report reviews the areas in which research activities have taken place in the United Kingdom: (1) design and drafting of projects, (2) environment problems, (3) safety (4) geometric standards, (5) level of service, and (6) equipment and operation- signalling enhancements on heavily used motorways can sometimes be justified by savings in accidents. Automatic detection of queues and slow moving vehicles is being installed. Television surveillance can also be a useful tool. A code of practice to standardise levels of maintenance throughout the country on motorways and all- purpose roads has been introduced. Lane rental has been successfully introduced to reduce traffic delays at major roadworks. Safety at roadworks has been studied.

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B 30896 (In: B 30871) /10 /21 /71 /83 /93 / IRRD 812234

In: PIARC XVIIIth World Road Congress, Brussels, Belgium, 13- 19 September 1987, p. 421- 439, 16 ref. Question No. IV.

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