The introduction of the Children's Traffic Club in Lothian.

McGuigan, D. Muir, R. & Vass, I.

The problem of road casualties among children in the Lothian region of Scotland is described. The decision to set up a Children's Traffic Club is discussed and the expenditure on the scheme, which supplies packs free from the age of 3, is justified. The customisation of the club for Lothian and its implementation are outlined. The take-up rate for various social categories is estimated. A lower take-up rate in deprived areas was addressed by an awareness programme which highliighted improvements which could be made. A list of recommendations are made. These include the importance of personal contact and the need to follow up parents who do not register their children.

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C 5917 (In: C 5901) /80 / IRRD 875094

In: Traffic management and road safety : proceedings of seminar G (P394) held at the 23th PTRC European Transport Forum, University of Warwick, England, September 11-15, 1995, p. 235-247

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