An introduction to detailed intersection design.

Hughes, B.P.

The road network provides the dominant feature of transport routes, however the intersections provide the majority of both control and problems. This paper summarises the principles of good design developed by traffic engineering practitioners in order to optimise intersection operation for all road users. This basic introduction addresses the major principles and detail of intersection design and should provide a useful introduction to those who are associated with but not directly involved in regular design such as architects, planners and local authority councillors. For the practising traffic engineer some new or forgotten details will be of benefit in developing consistent standards within western australia. These details together with examples and references provide a complete background to design and further information. (Author/publisher) For the covering record of the symposium, see IRRD No 808826.

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C 33631 (In: C 33628 MF) [electronic version only] /21 / IRRD 808829

In: 26th ARRB regional symposium, Bunbury, Western Australia, 1988 : program and papers, p. 23-41, 13 ref.

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