Introduction: a guide to GIDS.

Michon, J.A. & Smiley, A.

In this introductory chapter an overview is presented of the nature and development of GIDS, the Generic Intelligent Driver Support system. The development of GIDS took place between 1989 and the middle of 1992, as part of the EEC DRIVE programme. An overview of an intelligent, or adaptive, driver support system is first presented. The objectives and some historical background of the GIDS project are then provided. The position of GIDS within the larger framework of Road Transport Informatics (RTI) is reviewed in the next section. The GIDS perspective on driver support is then presented. The domain that is covered by the GIDS concept is outlined, and the constraints that had to be imposed to keep the project within practical limits are presented. The functional characteristics of the GIDS system are then reviewed, followed by a description of how GIDS has been implemented. For the covering abstract see IRRD 859107.

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C 26164 (In: C 26163) /91 / IRRD 859108

In: Generic Intelligent Driver Support GIDS : a comprehensive report on GIDS, 1993, p. 3-18, 5 ref.

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