The introduction of social exclusion into the field of travel behaviour.

Lyons, G.

This paper summarises the five key issues considered at the 10th IATBR (International Association of Travel Behaviour Research) conference on 'travel chances and social exclusion' held in Lucerne, Switzerland in August 2003. The first is the definition of social exclusion. The second is the measurement of social exclusion in a travel behaviour context. The third area is the influences and interventions that characterise social exclusion: mobility, use of ICT, land use and decentralisation of public services, time use, management and constraints, and the availability of and entitlement to use public space. The fourth issue is the relationship between social exclusion and society. The final topic is mainstreaming social exclusion issues in travel behaviour research.

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C 28605 [electronic version only] /10 /70 / ITRD E120826

Transport Policy, Vol. 10 (2003), No. 4 (October), p. 339-342, 5 ref.

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