An introduction to standards for road weather information systems (RWIS).


Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) have become a critical component of many agencies' maintenance efforts. Agencies are now considering ways to integrate RWIS with their other intelligent transportation systems (ITS) so weather information can support a broader range of ITS services. Attention is turning to identifying standards that can help ensure the fidelity of weather data being collected as agencies begin to share weather data with a wider audience. This brochure describes three categories of standards being considered for RWIS applications: siting standards, calibration standards, and communication standards.

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C 27336 [electronic version only] /60 /73 / ITRD E820179

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 2002, 4 p.; FHWA-OP-02-079

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