Inventarisatie en analyse van voorlichtingscampagnes op verkeersveiligheidsgebied.

Rooijers, A.J.

The effects of publicity campaigns on traffic safety are reported from the literature. Campaigns with information about safety aspects alone do not lead to much alteration in behaviour. Most behaviour changes are obtained if (1) the behaviour required is related to already existing behaviour of the target group (2) the behaviour change required is small and can easily be made (3) the campaign is based on already existing knowledge, attitude and motivation (4) there is a positive relation to the target group and (5) the campaign is very intensive. Better results in the short term are also obtained if external motivators are used. Because the effects of publicity campaigns do not last long, it is necessary to repeat them periodically.

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B 25806 [electronic version only] /83 /83.2 / IRRD 805465

Haren, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen RUG, Verkeerskundig Studiecentrum VSC, 1987, 116 p., 146 ref.; VK 86-08 - ISBN 90-6807-053-3

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