Inventarisatie van het post-crash beleidsterrein. Consult in opdracht van de Directie Verkeersveiligheid.

Flury, F.C .

The report presents a structurised general scheme of fields of interest in the post-crash domain of traffic safety policy and research. The scheme is developed to visualise the post-crash phase of traffic accidents, including the initial conditions i.e. direct adverse effects of the accident as well as relevant environmental conditions, the evolution of those conditions during the post-crash period, and all intervening actions, initiated in order to minimise both permanent and temporary adverse effects. The scheme will serve as the basic structure for an integral survey of the post-crash domain, in order: (a) to detect interactions, interferences and gaps between fields of interest; (b) to find discrepancies between required and available capacity of post-crash support organisations; (c) to evaluate modifications in the post-crash support system.


B 23839 [electronic version only] /81/82/84/ IRRD 282463

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1984, 75 p., 13 ref.; R-84-26


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