Inventory criteria for historic bridges on Alberta's transportation network.

Chichak, M.

The mandate of transportation authorities is to provide safe highways which are up to current design standards. As an integral part of the transportation network, bridges are retained in service only while they provide safe and sufficient crossings at a reasonable cost. Obsolete and deficient structures are removed from service on the basis of sufficiency rating which does not take into consideration any historic value. Since the mid 1970's there has been increasing interest in identifying and retaining structures which possess cultural historic value. With more than 12,000 bridge sites presently on the Provincial transportation network, some objective means is required to assist in identifying structures which have the potential to be given special consideration as historic bridges. This study proposes a criteria under which candidate structures can be rated and evaluated. Although more than 530 structures are identified as having the potential to be considered historic, possibly only 10 to 12 structures will rate high enough to warrant special treatment. (A)

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C 4655 (In: C 4638 b) /10 /61 / IRRD 854096

In: Transportation and national prosperity : proceedings of the 1993 Transportation Association of Canada TAC annual conference, Ottawa, September 19-22, 1993, Volume 2, p. B3-B28

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