Investigating drivers' variance in route choice between the home and work commute trip in the AM and PM.

Bezuidenhout, J.J.

A questionnaire survey was undertaken in East London, South Africa, to determine the variance amongst drivers route choice by comparing the AM to the PM home and work commute trip. The study set out to determine this variance by measurement of the spatial variance and the variance in route choice factors, which drivers apply when making these two types of trip. The study found that 25 per cent of drivers significantly varied their route between the AM and PM. Route choice reasons appear to be duplicate for the AM and PM trips, but 45 per cent of the whole sample of drivers use different routes for the AM and PM, with the amount of overlap of the routes ranging from 0 per cent to 95 per cent. This casts doubt on the current method of traffic modelling in South Africa and indeed most part of the world which predicts the AM conditions and then reverses the flow for the PM conditions. This method leads to an over supply of expensive infrastructure. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E213852.

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C 36491 (In: C 36478) [electronic version only] /72 /71 / ITRD E213865

In: IPENZ Transportation Group Technical Conference papers 2002, Rotorua, New Zealand, 25 September 2002, 18 p.

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