Investigation into child deaths and injuries from low speed vehicle run-overs.

Legislative Assembly of Queensland, Parliamentary Travelsafe Committee; Pearce, J. (chair)

The Travelsafe Committee is a select committee of the 52nd Parliament required to monitor, investigate and report on all aspects of road safety and public transport in Queensland, particularly: • Issues affecting road safety including the causes of crashes and measures aimed at reducing death, injuries and economic costs to the community; • The safety of passenger transport services, and measures aimed at reducing the incidence of related deaths and injuries; and • Measures for the enhancement of public transport in Queensland and reducing dependence on private motor vehicles as the predominant mode of transport. In 2005 the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian (CCYPCG) reported on child deaths in Queensland during the period 1 January 2004 to 30 June 2005. In this report the CCYPCG identified that deaths resulting from low speed run-overs accounted for half of all pedestrian fatalities among toddlers. The CCYPCG recommended that Hon Peter Beattie MP, Premier and Minister for Trade, request that the Travelsafe Committee investigate and report on ways to reduce fatalities and injuries to children from low speed driveway run-overs in Queensland. On 22 December 2006 a request was received from the Premier for the committee to undertake an investigation and report to parliament on ways to reduce low speed driveway run-overs in Queensland. In March 2007 the committee commenced its investigation. During the investigation the committee examined: • The incidence of low speed vehicular collisions with child pedestrians aged under five years in traffic and non-traffic areas in Queensland and the resultant injuries sustained; • Factors contributing to these collisions; • Possible countermeasures to prevent or reduce the severity of injuries sustained; and • The most appropriate agency or agencies to coordinate a public safety campaign about low speed run-over deaths and injuries. The committee has written this report to outline its investigation methodology, record its research findings, and make recommendations to the Queensland Parliament.In March 2007 the committee commenced its investigation. During the investigation the committee examined: • The incidence of low speed vehicular collisions with child pedestrians aged under five years in traffic and non-traffic areas in Queensland and the resultant injuries sustained; • Factors contributing to these collisions; • Possible countermeasures to prevent or reduce the severity of injuries sustained; and • The most appropriate agency or agencies to coordinate a public safety campaign about low speed run-over deaths and injuries. The committee has written this report to outline its investigation methodology, record its research findings, and make recommendations to the Queensland Parliament. (Author/publisher)

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Brisbane, QLD, Queensland Parliament, Legislative Assembly, Travelsafe Committee, 2007, 16 p., 34 ref.; Report ; No. 50

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