Investigation of cyclist safety at intersections.

Green, F. & Harrison, W.

This report investigates casualty cyclist accidents over two years in metropolitan areas of Melbourne and Sydney, and the nature of crashes and intersection features at 18 sites in Melbourne with higher cyclist crash numbers, in an attempt to identify the extent of the crash problem for cyclists at intersections, determine a level of risk for cyclists at intersections relative to elsewhere on the road network and to that for other road users at intersections, and identify particular types of intersections that may be more problematic for cyclists. From the crash analysis it was concluded that crash data would be made more useful if accompanied by details of the type and nature of traffic lanes and bicycle facilities, and the numbers of cyclists using the intersection. From the site investigations it was concluded that provision of bicycle facilities may increase cyclist safety. Additional data on usage rates for all road users was identified as being required to allow more meaningful analysis. (Author/publisher)

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C 26093 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E208031

Haymarket, NSW, AUSTROADS, 2002, 81 p., 16 ref.; AP-R206/02 - ISBN 0-85588-627-7

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