An investigation to determine whether the fitting of windshields to motorcycles is associated with wheel wobble.

Batton, A.G.

This report described the result of a study into the possible effects of windscreens when fitted to motorcycles in the State of Western Australia. Results indicate that fitting of windscreens which have not been carefully designed and tested result in erratic behaviour of all types of motorcycles regardless of weather conditions or road surface. The report recommends the banning of windscreens which have not been carefully designed and tested.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 15399 /91.1/ IRRD 239130

Perth, Road Traffic Authority, Research and Statistics Division, 1978, III + 34 p., tab., ref.; Report No. 12 - ISBN 0-7244-8181-8

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