An investigation of the safety implications of wireless communications in vehicles.


The objective of this report is to assess the current state of knowledge regarding the impact of cellular telephone use on motor vehicle drivers while driving, and to explore the broader safety issues associated with such use. While the primary scope of this report focuses on the potential impact of voice communications on driving, consideration is also given to the possible impact of other technological developments (e.g., network/Internet access, e-mail, paging, etc.). The report begins with a general discussion of background information, including the cellular industry's emphasis on safety and a summary of past and present legislative initiatives aimed at limiting the use of cellular telephones while a vehicle is in motion. Chapter 2 presents an overview of "Cellular Telephone Use in America" along with results from demographic surveys and user opinions on the safety of cellular telephone use while driving. Chapter 3 discusses available crash information. Individual case studies are described to illustrate the circumstances that can lead to a serious crash. Chapter 4 presents a study drawn from an analysis of the narrative sections of selected (i.e., cellular telephone related) police crash reports from the State of North Carolina. Chapter 5 presents a comprehensive review of simulator and on-the-road, instrumented vehicle research conducted on cellular telephone use while driving. Available epidemiological studies are also reviewed. The final chapter, Chapter 6, provides a discussion of what was learned in conducting this research and assembling this report. It identifies common threads drawn from the myriad of sources. The discussion also focuses on what is still not known or well understood and makes recommendations for targeted research in a number of areas. Finally, based on all the information gathered, a set of specific conclusions are presented. The appendices provide copies of selected existing and proposed legislation, a market survey of cellular communications devices currently available (1995) and in use in motor vehicles, critical reviews of cellular telephone research studies, a glossary of cellular technology terms, a list of references, and a discussion of human factors considerations for the design of cellular telephones that can influence the safety of their use from a moving vehicle. (A)

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C 20622 [electronic version only] /83 /

Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA, Office of Research and Traffic Records, Research and Evaluation Division, 1997, II + 274 p., 66 ref.; DOT HS 808 635

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