Investigation of segregation of asphalt mixtures in the State of Georgia.

Brown, E.R. Collins, R. & Brownfield, J.R.

Using large maximum-size aggregates produced segregation of aggregate in asphalt mixtures in the State of Georgia. This report summarises a study of the problem by auburn university for the Georgia Department of Transportation. Researchers observed the extent of segregation on a number of construction projects and developed a test plan to quantify the problem. The results of this study suggest that most segregation can be prevented by following good construction practices and paying close attention to quality control. An associated laboratory study shows that the properties of an asphalt mixture can be significantly changed when segregation occurs.

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C 22162 (In: C 22161 S) IRRD 832374

In: Asphalt construction, premature rutting, and surface friction courses : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1217, p. 1-8, 9 ref.

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