Investigation of the technical defects causing motor vehicle accidents.

Grandel, J.

Each year the technical defects found during inspection of passenger cars, two-wheeled and commercial vehicles after accidents are analyzed with regard to their accident-causing potential at Dekra. This paper is a collective analysis describing which vehicle components and subassemblies are considered the causes of the accidents... what influence the vehicles' age had on the accidents and who is responsible for the defects (manufacturer, repair shop or driver).

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B 24936 (In: B 24915) /80/91/ IRRD 286480

In: Field accidents: Data collection, analysis, methodologies, and crash injury reconstructions-SAE'-P-159- International Congress & Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 25 - March 1, 1985; P.301-320, 57 fig., 8 tab., 2 ref. SAE 8504311.

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