Investigations on influences upon driver behaviour : safety approaches in comparison and combination. Final report of the Guarding Automobile Drivers through Guidance Education and Technology GADGET project.

Christ, R. Delhomme, P. Kaba, A. Mäkinen, T. Sagberg, F. Schulze, H. & Siegrist, S.

The final report contains summaries of the work-package results. Much attention, however, is given to theoretical considerations upon the common issues of safety measures. The impact on the driver is proposed to be the common issue. Assessment and comparison of safety impacts have to be based on how the driver is influenced by the measures. Impact on basic conditions of the driver, principles of behaviour regulation and adaptation-processes are the elements which need to be examined. Based on this background the impacts of the studied safety-approaches have been classified and described. (Author/publisher)

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991695 ST [electronic version only]

Wien, Kuratorium für Verkehrssicherheit KfV, 1999, 85 p., 5 ref.

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