Invloed van sociale norm en pakkans op rijden onder invloed van alcohol : België vergeleken met 18 Europese landen.

Meesmann, U. Martensen, H. & Dupont, E.

Influence of social norm and alcohol checks on drink-driving. Belgium has a problem with drink-driving (DUI) — and the extent of the problem is even worse than in most other European countries (see results DRUID project, In Belgium the percentage of drivers who drink and drive with an alcohol blood concentration above the legal limit (BAC: 0.5‰) is around 2%. On weekend nights, this percentage amounts to almost 9%. Among seriously injured drivers, 38% were tested positive for alcohol above the legal limit. In other words, although those drivers who do not respect the legal alcohol limit form only a very small minority (2%), this group is responsible for an important part of serious road accidents (38%). Moreover, the drink-driving prevalence in Belgium has improved very little within the last years. (Author/publisher)


20140696 ST [electronic version only]

Brussel, Belgisch Instituut voor de Verkeersveiligheid BIVV – Kenniscentrum Verkeersveiligheid, 2013, 71 p., 77 ref.; D/2013/0779/068

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