The involvement of horses and their riders in road accidents in Great Britain.

Lambert, H.

Information on horse rider casualties has been separately identified in accident data collection since 1999 in Great Britain. Casualties among persons leading horses would be classified under figures for pedestrians. In 2002, no horse riders were killed as a result of an accident involving ridden horses on the roads. The number of horse riders involved in accidents has decreased each year since 1999. Twenty-three people were seriously injured while riding a horse. 143 horse riders were injured in total. Ninety per cent of all horse rider casualties occurred on minor roads. Fifteen per cent of casualties were children, two thirds of which were 12-15 years old. The higher number of female casualties reflected the higher number of female than male riders. A lack of data on road use by horse riders precludes the determination of values for relative risk compared with other road users.

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C 26674 (In: C 26673) /81 / ITRD E119229

In: Road Casualties Great Britain 2002 : annual report, p. 33-36

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