ISA Intelligent Speed Assistance interface study

Carsten, O.; Ezenwa, A.; Tomlinson, A.; Horrobin, A.

This study examines various alternative designs for the Human Machine Interface (HMI) of Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA). This driver assistant system is to be fitted to new vehicles sold across the EU, but the legislation does not specify a detailed specification for the driver interface. This work was designed to address that gap and make recommendations on interface design.
The work was carried out on a state-of-the-art driving simulator. Both objective (speed) data and subjective (questionnaire) data were collected. Five different HMIs were tested. Detailed descriptions of those HMIs can be found in section 2.3. The results identify Speed Control Alone, followed by the Haptic Pedal and Speed Control with Vibrating Pedal, as being acceptable HMIs. The findings further suggest that neither the Auditory Warning nor the Vibrating Pedal (without Speed Control) are good choices for ISA HMI.

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II + 24
20230029 ST [electronic version only]

On behalf of European Transport Safety Council ETSC

Gepubliceerd door
University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds

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