ITA guidelines for structural fire resistance of road tunnels.

Russell, H.A.

The World Road Association (PIARC) and the International Tunnelling Association (ITA) set up a joint initiative to improve the fire resistance of road tunnels. The proposed guidelines for design criteria are presented, based on temperature-time curves. The criteria for fire resistant materials are considered: installation strength, prevention of secondary effects, constructability, freezing and thawing resistance. The different types of materials commonly used to protect tunnel liners from heat damage are outlined: spray type (organic coatings, inorganic coatings) and panel/board. The temperature resistance requirements for the various materials (concrete, steel, ceramics, cast iron, stainless steel) and specific elements (ceilings, walls, masonry, liners, joints, tiles, ceiling hanger rods, anchorages) used in tunnels are listed.

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I E125354 [electronic version only] /25 /32 /34 / ITRD E125354

Routes Roads. 2004 /10. (324) Pp72-81

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