ITS and transportation safety : EMS system data integration to improve traffic crash emergency response and treatment : Phase II report, final report.

Schooley, B. Horan, Th.A. McClintock, R. & Lee, Y.

This research project examines the linkages between ITS systems and the SHSP, focusing on three elements. The first element relates to the role of ITS in producing timely data on safety dimensions, including its visual representation in geographic information systems and related platforms. The second element examines the use of ITS with emergency medical services (EMS) and the data that can be used from EMS systems for safety planning purposes. The third element includes an analysis of innovative and new practices for capturing, sharing, and visualizing safety information required by emergency healthcare providers for enhanced levels of decision making and planning. (Author/publisher)

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20111444 ST [electronic version only]

Minneapolis, MN, University of Minnesota, Center for Transportation Studies CTS, Intelligent Transportation Systems Institute, 2011, 36 p. + app., 18 ref.; CTS 11-19

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