ITS - enriching our lives : proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002.


This CD ROM contains the proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems which was held in Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002 and was sponsored by ITS America, ITS Japan and ERTICO. For the records of the papers presented, please see C 31322 - C 31753. 9th World Congress CD Proceedings - Additional Papers WASHINGTON, DC, Oct. 31. - Unfortunately, the following technical papers were omitted from the Congress Proceedings (CD Rom). Due to that omission, we are posting these papers in the ITS America World Congress web page ( for several months. We thank the authors for their understanding and support of the 9th World Congress. TITLE: Development of Fiber Optical Magnetometer, SmartLIM (Laser Interferometric Magnetometer ), for Traffic Counter AUTHORS: Yukio Ikeda, Shuichi Sunahara, Hideo Ikegami & Kazuhiro Kohga TITLE: Development of an Automatic Ship Detection System for an Advanced Collision Avoidance System AUTHORS: Junji Fukuto, Nobuo Kiriya & Hayama Imazu TITLE: Evaluation of Forward Obstacles Collision Avoidance Support System Using Driving Simulator AUTHORS: Kiichi Yamada & Takashi Wakasugi

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C 31321 CD-ROM /71 /72 /73 /

Washington, D.C., ITS America, 2002, CD-ROM

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