ITS information and services to enhance the mobility of disabled travelers.

Chen, W.-H Klaver, K. Uwaine, R. Kurani, K. & Jovanis, P.P.

This study examined the potential of advanced information systems to increase the mobility of disabled travellers using public transportation. A stated preference survey inquired as to whether subjects would make more trips by transit, paratransit, and/or realtime paratransit if kiosk, on-board, in-home, and/or personal information systems were available. The results show that these systems do have the potential to increase the use of public transportation by disabled travellers, as they allow for more trip flexibility that what is currently available. Regression and log-linear models show that transit users and those without cars are more likely to use transit if advanced systems were available. Wheelchair users are less likely than non-wheelchair users to use transit with advanced systems. (A)

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20001285 ST [electronic version only]

Berkeley, CA, University of California, Institute of Transportation Studies ITS, 1998, 15 p., 1 ref.; California PATH Research Report ; UCB-ITS-PRR-98-20 - ISSN 1055-1425

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