ITS policy strategies for urban regions : a creative exploration. Supplement to the 8th TRAIL Congress 2004 Proceedings.

Argiolu, R. Heijden, R. van der & Marchau, V.

This paper explores future concepts of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for passenger transport. ITS systems are divided into the three main categories : Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), Advanced Traveller Information Systems (ATIS) and Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS). There is much evidence that future ITS concepts will depend upon technological improvement of ADAS and integration between ADAS and ATMS and ATIS. To explore the future of ITS concepts the method of morphological analysis is used. The outcome of this analysis has resulted in five sets of plausible ITS concepts that range from an ITS based public transport scenario to controlled car driving within activity areas of urban regions. (Author/publisher)

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20041931 c ST [electronic version only]

Delft, Delft University Press DUP, 2004, 20 p., 28 ref.

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