Jaaranalyse Verkeersongevallen In Prive Ongevallen Registratie Systeem PORS VIPORS 1996

eindrapportage over de resultaten van de verkeersslachtoffer-registratie op Spoedeisende-Hulpafdelingen van ziekenhuizen. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.
Tromp, J.P.M. Kampen, L.T.B. van & Blokpoel, A.

This report discusses 1996 Road Accidents in the Private Accident Registration System (VIPORS) data and the differences between this data and that of the previous two years, 1994 and 1995. A description of VIPORS as a registration system is also included, as well as an explanation of the design for its data file. Based on the 1996 data, it appears that the number of victims in 1996 decreased by 6.5% as compared to 1995. The variety of characteristics in 1996 differs on a number of points from that in 1995: under `follow-up treatment', the number of `treated and released' increased from approximately 30% in 1995 to about 36% in 1996; and the percentage of `treated and followed up by family doctor' decreased from approximately 25% in 1995 to about 20% in 1996. The largest group of victims (over 49%) is made up of cyclists. The seriousness of accidents registered in VIPORS can be seen in its percentage of hospital admissions (14%) and the number of victims who died in hospital (0.4%). The most common injuries are wounds and contusions (about 50%). The supplemental value of VIPORS is illustrated: (1) by an example involving head injuries suffered by cyclists and moped riders; and (2) by an example about cyclists and moped riders during the winter months. See also IRRD 882419, 886396, and 897984.


C 9636 [electronic version only] /81 / IRRD 897983

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 1997, 69 p., 14 ref.; R-97-50


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