Japan's Approach for Road Safety: Open Platform for Cooperative Vehicle Safety.

Tsukada, Y.

As Japan has actively promoted the development and practical application of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), or systems that use the latest telecommunications technologies to link humans, roads, and vehicles, changes including alleviation of traffic congestion and reduction of the environmental burden have begun to emerge in society. As a result of the rapid spread of car navigation systems, VICS (Vehicle Information and Communication System), and ETC (Electronic Toll Collection system), ITS is now entering the so-called second stage, in which it will contribute to positive changes in society and daily life by resolving various problems of society that have been difficult to solve in the past. In August 2004, the Smartway Project Advisory Committee issued a proposal entitled "ITS Enters the Second Stage," presenting a set of measures for the development of ITS. In January 2006, IT Strategic Headquarters issued the New IT Reform Strategy, whichcalls for the realization of systems for assisting safe driving by infrastructure-vehicle cooperation, with the goal of reducing traffic accident fatalities to fewer than 5,000. In response, public and private organizations have been steadily pursuing these goals through collaborative efforts. Tests on public roads, using ITS on-board equipment based on an open platform, are planned in 2007. This paper presents a conceptual description of ITS in Japan and describes the current situation of efforts to support safe driving. For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 44714 (In: C 44570 DVD) /72 / ITRD E139638

In: CD-PARIS : proceedings of the 23rd World Road Congress of the World Road Association PIARC, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 12 p., 5 ref.

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