Joint development : institutional constraints and potentials. Paper presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Washington, January 1975.

Engelen, R.E.

The need and the opportunity to achieve joint development of various transportation facilities and such facilities and land use are now greater than ever. However, if joint development is to occur on a significant scale, a number of financing, organizational, legal, and other institution techniques must be developed and applied. A recent amendment to the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974 appears to be a step in the good direction. A number of other steps, some of which are described, should be pursued.

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B 12078 (In: B 10234 S) / /10/72/ IRRD 223480

In: Transportation Research Record TRR No. 565, 1976, p. 12-17, 8 ref.

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