Joint modeling of land-use, transport and economy. Proefschrift Technische Universiteit Delft TUD.

Zondag, B.

Over the last decades it has become clear that the problems of an ongoing growth of transport in urbanized regions, such as congestion and environmental externalities, cannot be solved by conventional transport measures alone. There is widespread agreement that in order to bring about sustainable travel in urban areas, integrated policy packages – comprising a cross-sector mix of regulatory-, pricing-, and technological measures among others - are needed to send the right signals to both supply and demand elements in the urban land use and transport markets (ECMT, 2002). Successful implementation of these policy packages depends, among others, on a sufficient integration of land-use- and transport planning. The present research aims to improve the estimation of transport and land-use effects of transport- and land use policies; this contributes to the ongoing effort in the Netherlands to improve policy making in the field of transport infrastructure by incorporating landuse and other indirect economic effects of transport measures in the evaluation of these measures. An integrated modeling, complementary to classical transport modeling, making land-use projections endogenous is needed to calculate a wide set of evaluation indicators for the evaluation of multi-sector policy packages. It should be noted that for many outcome indicators a substantial post-processing is needed. However, many of these indicators are related to changes in land-use and transport and the integrated landuse and transport model delivers intermediate input for these indicators. The body of this thesis research comprises the development of the integrated land-use and transport model “TIGRIS XL”: this model has been applied to calculate the effects of land-use and transport policies on the spatial distribution of residents and jobs. (Author/publisher)

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20070685 ST [electronic version only]

Delft, The Netherlands TRAIL Research School, 2007, X + 233 p., ref.; TRAIL Thesis Series ; T2007/4 - ISBN 978-90-5584-084-7

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