Joint venture.

Simmerman, M.

Perceptics Corporation has developed two automated security and traffic management imaging systems: the Licence Plate Reader (LPR) and the Under Vehicle Surveillance System (UVSS). The LPR records the alphanumeric code on both retroreflective and non-retroreflective plates in real-time. The information can be linked to databases for background checks. It provides 100% vehicle image capture in all ambient lighting conditions. The UVSS is a digital scanning device used to search the undercarriages of vehicles. Once the undercarriage is scanned, the image remains on-screen for further analysis by security personnel. Faster and more thorough image analysis is possible with the UVSS than with mirror inspection. The LPR and UVSS can be used together to improve security. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24738 (In: C 24715) /70 /73 /90 / ITRD E115785

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 124-126

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