Jointly optimizing cost, service, and environmental performance in demand-responsive transit scheduling.

Dessouky, M. Rahimi, M. & Weidner, M.

In certain fleet systems, the environmental impacts of operation are, to some extent, a controllable function of vehicle routing and scheduling decisions. However, little prior work has considered environmental impacts in fleet vehicle routing and scheduling optimization, in particular, where the impacts were assessed systematically utilizing life-cycle impact assessment methodologies such as those described by the Society of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology. Here a methodology is presented for the joint optimization of cost, service, and life-cycle environmental consequences in vehicle routing and scheduling, which we develop for a demand-responsive (paratransit or dial-a-ride) transit system. We demonstrate through simulation that, as a result of our methodology, it is possible to reduce environmental impacts substantially, while increasing operating costs and service delays only slightly. (Author/publisher).

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I E119434 /72 / ITRD E119434

Transportation Research Part D. 2003 /11. 8d(6) Pp433-65 (56 Refs.)

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