Journeys to school : a survey of secondary schools in Berkshire and Surrey.

Rigby, J.P. & Hyde, P.J.

A survey of 2,415 secondary school pupils provided information on the basic pattern of school journeys in terms of travel mode, time and distance. Interrelationships between these variables were examined; additional explanatory variables included school type, school location, respondent's family background and service quality. Walk and bus were the most important modes used. Despite the high level of household car ownership, car usage was low. Distance had the most significant effect on modal split. Virtually all pupils who lived less than one kilometre from school walked or cycled, whilst those who lived beyond three kilometres mostly travelled by bus and school coach. Distance is strongly influenced by school type, such that the more selective the school, the longer the average distance travelled to that school. Differences in the quality of pupils' journeys were assessed. Trips of short duration were most popular and tended to be made by walk and cycle modes; these modes were also popular because of their flexibility. Longer journeys were unpopular and were usually made by school coach or bus. Bus travel was rated lowest largely because of poor service quality. The quality of the school trip would be improved primarily by shorter journeys; these are usually associated with smaller schools with neighbourhood catchments. (Author/publisher)


C 39711 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD 229182

Crowthorne, Berkshire, Transport and Road Research Laboratory (TRRL), 1977, 89 p., 43 ref.; TRRL Laboratory Report ; LR 776

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