Junction priority. Session 3 - Symposium Bus Priority, TRRL, 1972.

Vincent, R.A. Earp, J.H. Coburn, T.M. Cooper, B.R. Blows, J.W. & Huddart, K.W.

The papers presented in session 3 were as follows: Junction priority for public transport- Vincent, RA / Bitterne traffic scheme, Southampton - Earp, JH / TRRL bus priority experiment on test track - Coburn, TM and Cooper, BR / Special contribution on Leicester bus demonstration project - Blows, JW / Giving buses priority at signaled junctions - Huddart, KW. (covering abstract of the conference proceedings is IRRD abstract no 207423).

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B 15454 (In: B 3865 S) /72 /73 / IRRD 207426

In: Bus priority : proceedings of a symposium held at TRRL, 1972, TRRL Report LR 570, p. 89-124, 13 ref.

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