Kadernotitie voertuiggeleiding. Deel II: workshopverslag. In opdracht van het Directoraat-Generaal Rijkswaterstaat, Adviesdienst Verkeer en Vervoer AVV.

Horst, A.R.A. van der Godthelp, J. Jansen, G.R.M. Coëmet, M.J. & Leusden, G.C.J.M. van

To reduce traffic demand on the one hand, and to make road traffic safe, efficient and clean on the other, more and more use will be made of modern information and communication systems. As part of this development the question arises whether Automated Vehicle Guidance (AVG) should guide the development of the future traffic system. With AVG the driving task is partly or completely taken over by a system. This document reports on an AVG workshop, organised by the Rijkswaterstaat Transport Research Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Transport. The aim of the workshop was to specify a framework for research on this long term development with respect to Dynamic Traffic Management (DTM) together with the policy makers of the Ministry. The AVG topic is discussed from different points of view, viz. policies, transport functions, traffic safety and behaviour, organisational aspects, and technological developments. Finally, recommendations for a research programme on AVG are presented. (A)

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C 20235 [electronic version only] /73 /

Soesterberg, Instituut voor Zintuigfysiologie IZF TNO TM, 1994, 19 p., 8 ref.; IZF 1994 C-3

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