Kartlegging av arbeidsrelaterte trafikkulykker : analyse av dødsulykker i Norge fra 2005 til 2010. [Fatal road accidents involving people at work : an analysis of Norwegian in-depth reports from 2005 to 2010.]

Phillips, R.O. & Meyer, S.

The report characterizes the scope of work-related fatal road accidents in Norway. It estimates that 41 per cent of fatal road accidents involve at least one person driving while at work or on the way to/from work. Ten per cent of the accidents involve one or more commuter drivers, while six per cent involve at least one person driving for some work-related purpose other than occupational driving or commuting. The report characterizes work-related fatal road accidents and the workers they involve through the analysis of in-depth accident reports. The report?s findings include that seatbelt use, time pressure / stress, and driver fatigue may be challenges for those responsible for employees who drive in connection with work. (Author/publisher) For the complete report see http://www.toi.no/

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20121078 ST [electronic version only]

Oslo, Institute of Transport Economics TØI, 2012, VIII + 49 p., 39 ref.; TØI Report ; 1188/2012 - ISSN 0808-1190 / ISBN 978-82-480-1308-2 (electronic version)

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