Keeping older drivers safe and mobile : the East Gippsland experience.

Nelson, K.

East Gippsland is the second largest municipality in Victoria and constitutes 10% of the State. While 40% of the population is located in the main centres around the Gippsland Lakes, the remainder is scattered throughout the Shire in small towns and rural localities. Like other rural locations, especially those attractive for retirement and where younger people move away for education and work, the proportion of older people in the community is growing. The aims of the Pilot have been to: 1. provide a model safety program to other communities; 2. develop a range of procedures and materials that are transferable to other municipalities; 3. provide a 'best practice', multi-action approach involving municipalities, CRSC's, police, interest groups, VicRoads. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E208059.

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C 26556 (In: C 26548 [electronic version only]) /83 / ITRD E208067

In: Turning plans into action : Saferoads 2002 : [proceedings of the] Local Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 16-17 July 2002, 4 p.

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