Keeping older drivers safe and mobile : guidelines for a pilot program to improve older driver safety : a resource for local government.

Crouch, Y. Leslie, J. Rowe, G. & Williams, T.

The Saferoads Local Government Road Safety Initiative involves developing and implementing strategies and action plans to improve road safety in the local community. The ‘Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile’ Resource is one of a series designed to assist local government officers in developing and implementing effective actions to address specific road safety issues. It presents a range of ideas and actions aimed at keeping older drivers driving safely for as long as possible, and assisting older people to maintain their mobility within their communities. Victorian population projections show an increasing proportion of older people, and thus older drivers, in the total Victorian population.The number of Victorians aged 65 years or over is expected to double by the year 2031. As the number of older drivers increases, so will their involvement in road crashes. While crash numbers are currently low, the risk of a casualty crash per kilometre driven by older drivers is quite high. Access to safe and convenient transport will be of increasing importance as an ageing population seeks to maintain its independence and mobility.The need to plan and implement strategies to improve the safety of older drivers and maintain their mobility in local communities is immediate. The Keeping Older Drivers Safe and Mobile Resource presents a range of multi-action ideas and actions for implementation at the local level to keep older drivers driving safely for as long as possible, and to assist older people to maintain their mobility. Activities can vary from informing and educating the community, to engineering activities to improve the infrastructure. The model for program development best depicts the program components and facilitates a flexible approach to developing an effective, multi-action local program. Programs may evolve over time from simple, yet effective actions, to more extensive activities that require greater effort and commitment. It is important that programs focus on actions that are achievable, can be sustained and meet the specific needs of the municipality and its community. Municipalities may be eligible for funding consideration (maximum of $5,000) on a dollar-for-dollar basis based on a demonstrated ability to meeting the eligibility criteria outlined below. This will be a one-off program funding grant to commence the implementation of this program. Eligibility criteria are: 1. Older driver safety (drivers aged 65 years and over) is identified as a road safety priority and has or will be incorporated into Council’s Road Safety Strategy; 2. Evidence of a high older driver problem; 3. Program includes multi-action activities to provide road safety benefits; 4. Community based program, which involves forming partnerships with local government networks/community groups, businesses and stakeholders such as Community Road Safety Councils, Police, RACV, TAC and VicRoads; 5. Components of the countermeasure program funded by VicRoads must be implemented within 12 months of receiving funding. Municipalities are encouraged to develop processes to sustain the program beyond the funding year. (Author/publisher) For the 2005 edition of this report see…

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C 26547 [electronic version only] /83 /

Melbourne, VIC, Saferoads, 2002, 45 p.

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