Kennisleemten en -behoeften van oudere verkeersdeelnemers in Drenthe : verslag van een vragenlijstonderzoek. In opdracht van Verkeers- en Vervoersberaad Drenthe (voorheen Regionaal Orgaan voor de Verkeersveiligheid Drenthe ROVD).

Mesken, J.

This report deals with a questionnaire study carried out among road users of 60 years old and older in the Dutch province of Drenthe. The study is part of the larger project entitled "Road safety of elderly road users in Drenthe" that SWOV is conducting for the Drenthe Traffic and Transport Board. The most important purpose of the questionnaire study was to map the knowledge gaps and needs of elderly road users in Drenthe in order to set up a communication campaign. The following subjects were asked about: traffic behaviour, functioning in traffic, the influence of medicines and illness, testing and training, knowledge of (new) traffic rules, experiences with traffic situations and other road users, and general questions. This


C 26346 [electronic version only] /83 / ITRD E206751

Leidschendam, Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Verkeersveiligheid SWOV, 2002, 47 p., 5 ref.; R-2002-18


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