Kerncijfers verkeersonveiligheid Gelderland 2003.

Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Gelderland ROVG, Projectgroep Basisgegevens

This brochure presents the development of road safety in the Dutch province of Gelderland for the period 1986-2002. Data, in the form of tables and graphics, is presented for the registrated numbers of traffic victims and further classified according to ratio, speed, drunk-driving, age, and transport mode. Included are also the seatbelt wearing rates, causes of registrated accidents, dangerous junctions, and the development of traffic victims per municipality and police region.

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C 26567 [electronic version only]

Arnhem, Regionaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Gelderland ROVG, 2003, 14 p.

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