Korte verplaatsingen in beweging. In opdracht van het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat.

Hilbers, H.D. Raaijmakers, S. & Broeke, A.M. van den

This report describes an explorative study into short trips. Based on the Statistics Netherlands (CBS) travel behaviour data, the development of trip length, the share of and use of cars in short trips were studied for 1985-1997. A more detailed look was taken at differences between trip purposes and population groups, and how demographic and socio-economic developments can explain development of trip length and car use. Beside the data analyses, a literature study was carried out in order to find more explanations for the developments. This was used in an expert session in which target groups for the 'Short Trip' project were formulated, and important factors for car use and the extent of replaceability of car use in these target groups were indicated. It appears that displacement motives as a first entrance for target groups look the most opportune. The most interesting motives thereby are: shopping, home-work, pick-up/drop-off, visits and sports/relaxation, all due to the large number of short trips. Also business traffic is interesting due to the large amount of car use in short trips. It was concluded that it would be best to aim at trips up to 7,5 kilometres, this includes 75% of the number of trips shorter than 15 kilometres.

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C 14359 [electronic version only] /72 / IRRD E201687

Delft, TNO Infrastructuur, Transport en Regionale Ontwikkeling INRO, Afdeling Vervoer, 1999, V + 139 p., 68 ref.; TNO-rapport Inro Vervoer 1999-23 / 99/NV/206 - ISBN 90-6743-636-4

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