
Koessler, P.

Laboratory and field test were made to investigate the relationship between mud- flaps, fender design, and splash and spray generated by motor vehicle on wet roads. The were performed with a VW- 1200 passenger car as well as a Daimler- Benz commercial vehicle. It was determined that spry could be significantly reduced by fenders with are about three times as wide as the tyre, with vertical side strips along the edges, and mudflaps extending down to the road as closely as possible. Furthermore, the mud-flaps should be installed at an angle in order to deflect the flow toward the center of the vehicle to reduce the spray.

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Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 15204 fo / 91 /

Dusseldorf, VDI- Verlag GmbH, 1965, 24 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.; Deutsche Kraftfahrtforschung und Strassenverkehrstechnik ; Heft 175

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