Kwaliteitszorg vanuit de provinciale bestuursvisie,

Dankert, K.

The notion of quality concern in construction reconstruction and maintenance of roads can be considered from different points of view. In this report is considered firstly what quality can be from the point of view of the provincial administration. There can be a task for the province to play a role if the tasks of the government are decentralised and if there will be a legal regulation in the planning structure of traffic and transport. A plea is also held for an improvement of costs and benefits of investments in the road infrastructure.

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B 25472 (In: B 25471) /10 /21 / IRRD 803182

In: Kwaliteitszorg bij aanleg, reconstructie en onderhoud : preadviezen Congresdag, Utrecht, 11 december 1986, p. 6-13, 1 fig.

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