La prévention des collisions routières par radar anticollision micro-onde : synthèse des études effectuées au Groupement Régional Nord-Pas de Caliar pour la Recherche dans les Transports G.R.R.T. de 1989 jusqu'à 1993.

Deloof, P. Rolland, P.A. & Haese, N.

This report presents the state of the feability study avout a microwave anticollision rader for road vehicles. In a first step, the main specifications of the system to be built are drawn from a bibliographic survey, and some choices that were taken in the study are justified. In the second step, the preliminary study is summarized : several mock-up of radar are described. In the third step, a new possibility of the radar front end design is presented which is using quasi-optical active antennas. In the fourth step, the authors focues on two present mock-up of Pulsed amplitude modulation radar (PAM), at frequencies of 10 and 60 GHz. One of them is a PROMETHEUS demonstrator, another one, installed on an INRETS's car is being tested on the road. After the first field-trials which have been carried out with the mock-up, a conclusion is drawn from this work, and some recommendations are given for the pursuit of the study.

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950611 ST [electronic version only]

Arcueil, Institut National de Recherche sur les Transports et leur Sécurité INRETS, 1994, 111 p., 80 ref.; Synthèse ; No. 25 - ISSN 0769-0274 / ISBN 2-85782-408-4

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