La valeur des examens biochimiques, psychotechniques et cliniques dans l'intoxication éthylique.

Ghimicescu, G.H. Cotrau, M. Ghimicescu, C. Berinzon, H. & Holban, I.

The ethylic intoxication on a lot of 50 volunteers after the administration of various doses of alcoholic beverages has been studied experimentally. After ingestion at different intervals from 30 to 60 minutes, alcoholism and alcoholuria were examined, simultaneously with the clinical and psycho-technical examination. Results of all examination and the connections between them are discussed.

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B 6217 (In: B 2271) /83.4/ IRRD 302295

In: Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Konferenzbericht der 5. Internationalen Konferenz über Alkohol und Verkehrssicherheit, Freiburg, September 22-27, 1969, p. I.13-I.16, 2 graph.

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