A laboratory study of the reaction time to the change from flashing to steady lights in traffic signals.

Dahlstaedt, S.

The reaction time to the change from flashing to steady light in a traffic signal was studied. The results indicate that the shortest reaction times are obtained when the change is accompanied by a change in a second light. If- for any reason- a second light is impossible or undesirable the shortest reaction times for a single light are obtained if its flash frequency is as high as possible and the light part of each flash cycle is as short as possible.

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B 11899 (In: B 11858) /73.1/83.2/ IRRD 105328

In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Vision and Road Safety, Paris, February 1975, p. 287-292, 1 fig., 1 graph., 4 tab.

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