Lap-shoulder restraint effectiveness in the United States.

Nelson, W.D.

Eighteen of the most severe examples of injury and damage concerning vehicle collisions involving at least one occupant wearing a lap-shoulder safety belt are described. Of these cases, 60% of the vehicles involved had suffered damage associated with occupant injury, although in fact 99% of the safety belt users had either no injury or only minor injury. It is shown how the use of different safety belt configurations such as lap-belt, lap-shoulder belt or refusal to wear safety belts affects the severity of injuries.

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A 9895 fo IRRD 42478

New York, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1971, 8 p., fig., tab., 4 ref. Presented at the Automotive Engineering Congress, Detroit, Mich., January 11-15, 1971 SAE No. 710077.

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