Laying the groundwork for fast bridge construction.

Ralls, M.L. & Tang, B.M.

In February 2003, more than 200 bridge professionals viewed successful projects at the National Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Systems Conference cosponsored by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the Federal Highway Administration. With U.S. bridges having a median age of 40 years and most of these in need of reconstruction, it is thought that prefabricated bridge elements and systems are one of the innovative technologies promising the highest payoff. This article describes proceedings of the aforementioned Conference that had as its main goal furthering implementation of use of prefabrication in U.S. bridge construction and rehabilitation. Several specific examples of prefabricated bridge projects are detailed.

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I E829982 /24 / ITRD E829982

Public Roads. 2003 /11. 67(3) pp8-11 (7 Phot.)

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