Least cost (life cycle) analysis microcomputer program (with discussion and closure).

Kurdziel, J.M. & Uddin, W. (Discusser)

This paper covers the contents and operation of the American Concrete Pipe Association's Least Cost (life cycle) analysis microcomputer program. The program evaluates the costs associated with each alternate pipe material based on their design components and project requirements. The program has a multiple screen format similar to spreadsheet software and will operate on any IBM compatible system with MS-DOS operating system of version 2.0 or greater. The least cost analysis program's versatility and ease of use will decrease the time and costs for conducting economic analysis and promote more cost-effective project designs.

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C 22134 (In: C 22117 S) /24 / IRRD 829160

In: Culverts and tiebacks : a peer-reviewed publication of the Transportation Research Board TRB, Transportation Research Record No. 1191, p. 141-154, 5 ref.

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