Legal system of Japan on motor vehicles.

Morisaki, K. Takahashi, K. Mukai, R. Kume, M. Omori, H. Daiki, K. Matsumoto, K. Tozawa, H. Kadono, H. Masui, J. Sasaki, A. & Urano, T.

This special session on: the legal system of Japan on motor vehicles contains the following parts: Part 1 - outline of legal system on motor vehicles (Morisaki, K and Takahashi, K); Part 2 - motor vehicle safety regulations (Morisaki, K and Takahashi, K); Part 3 - environmental pollution control measures and energy-saving measures for motor vehicles (Mukai, K); Part 4 - type approval system of motor vehicles (Kume, M; Omori, H; Daiki, K and Matsumoto, K); Part 5 - motor vehicle inspection and registration system (Tozawa, H and Kadono, H); and Part 6 - motor vehicle accident prevention measures and research system of the government (Masui, J; Sasaki, A and Urano, T).

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C 9890 [electronic version only] /80 /91 /93 /95 /96 / IRRD 802912

Tokyo, Ministry of Transport, Road Transport Bureau, Motor Vehicles Department, 1982, 68 p.

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