Leidraad Sanering Verkeerstekens : concept.

Grontmij N.V., Afdeling Infrastructuur

The wish to obtain a credible system of traffic rules and signs has led to the revision of Dutch traffic regulations dating from 1966. The new directions for applying signs are much shorter and simpler than those in force before. The new regulations were brought into operation in November 1991. Road administrators are responsible for the implementation of signing on their roads. This publication "Guide for reorganizing traffic signs" was compiled as a help to gain a reserved and careful application of this kind of traffic facility.

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900420 ST (zie ook: B 32035 S /73 / IRRD 847978)

De Bilt, Advies- en ingenieursbureau Grontmij N.V., 1990, 192 p. + app.

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